Frequently Asked Questions
New Families
What to Know Before School Starts
Where can I find the School Policies?
Students receive a student handbook at the beginning of each year that outlines all school policies. You can also find Chaboya policies on our Policies webpage.
When is the first day of school? When are the holidays?
The complete school year calendar including holidays is available here – Evergreen School District Calendar.
When will my child get his or her schedule of classes?
Class schedules are available on our PowerSchool Parent Portal beginning at 5 p.m. the evening before the first day of school. For information about how to register or update your PowerSchool account, please see our PowerSchool Parent Portal page.
What is the daily class schedule?
School starts at 8:20 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. The schedule is the same every day unless there is an assembly or other special event. See the Bell Schedule page for a detailed schedule.
Are there minimum days?
Middle school does NOT have a weekly minimum day like the elementary schools. There are twelve to thirteen minimum days throughout the school year. Students will be dismissed at 12:45 p.m. (See the Bell Schedule page for a detailed schedule.) These are the dates:
Minimum Days Middle School
For the 2024-2025 school year, every Thursday is minimum day at our middle schools, unless otherwise noted below. Minimum days are shortened school days used for teacher preparation and staff development training.
Exceptions to Thursday Minimum Days
Below are the Thursdays that will not be minimum days and the Fridays that will follow the minimum day schedule to accommodate families before long holidays. Please note these exceptions:
- Thursday, December 19, 2024 is a Full Day
- Friday, December 20, 2024 Minimum Day
- September 14, 2023
- October 12, 2023
- October 20, 2023
- November 14, 2023
- November 16, 2023
November 17, 2023- December 21, 2023
- January 19, 2024
- February 8, 2024
- February 16, 2024
- March 14, 2024
- March 28, 2024
- April 11, 2024
- May 9, 2024
- June 13, 2024
How do I know where to go the first day of school and what if I am late?
Typically, the day before the first day of school, students are able to view their first semester schedule through PowerSchool. There are four minutes between classes, and adults and Leadership students will be on campus to assist students in locating their classes. The first week of school, teachers will not count tardies. However, as the second week approaches, a student must be seated in their seat before the tardy bell rings.
What do I do when I am tardy or absent?
For state audit purposes, parents must call or write a note to resolve any tardy or absence. After an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to come to the attendance desk in the office (with a note or after parent call) to get a re-admit slip BEFORE going to class. Parents who drive students to school and are late, need to walk in with their child to clear the tardy. When a student leaves school for an illness or appointment, a parent or guardian must sign out the student.
What school supplies do I need for the first day? Is there a supply list?
In order to be successful, students are expected to arrive at school with binders, paper, pencils, books, and assigned instructional materials. Unlike most elementary schools, there is no set list of supplies you will need for Chaboya. Because each teacher has a slightly different approach, they will also have slightly different requirements. Students will receive a list of items from each teacher after school begins – typically they will have a week or so to get the required items.
Do I need a backpack? What kind?
Yes, students should have a backpack. At Chaboya, students will receive a complete set of textbooks to take home and leave at home during the year and they have another set to use in class. Therefore, they will not need to carry textbooks in their backpacks. Many kids are fine with a smaller backpack than they used in elementary school. A student’s backpack is to remain the way it was purchased with no writing on them, except for the student’s name.
Does Chaboya have lockers?
Students receive lockers for use during physical education (PE) only.
What is the school dress code?
Students should be dressed for learning, not a social event. Students who are not dressed for learning will be asked to change into appropriate attire. Extremes in dress and grooming will not be permitted.
- "Sagging" of pants is not allowed and belts are required for loose pants.
- No “Rags,”or multiple pieces of clothing of the same color (red or blue) is prohibited.
- Bare midriffs, spaghetti straps, halter-tops, tank tops, and clothing imprinted with any writing or insignia not sanctioned by the school are prohibited.
- Shorts and skirts may not be shorter than four inches above the knees and shirts no longer than four inches above the knees.
- Hats/caps/beanies are NOT allowed. No underwear should be visible.
- You may not wear leggings without an outer layer of appropriate length.
- Lace tops and sheer garments that allow your skin to show through are not permitted.
Appropriate attire is based on staff and administration discretion. With the ever changing fashion trends it is difficult to have a comprehensive list of acceptable dress codes.
Where can I get physical education (PE) clothes? Do I have to get them from the school?
Students will bring home a form from school during the first week explaining the PE clothing requirements and will have the opportunity to order PE clothes and a lock for their assigned PE locker at that time. All valuables should be removed from their backpack and locked up with their street clothes, as backpacks do not fit into the lockers. Students will not be expected to dress out in PE clothes until the date stated on the form. Guidelines will also be provided if students prefer to buy their own PE clothes.
How does school drop-off and pick-up work?
There will be no busing between home and the school. Students will need to be driven or otherwise arrange for their own transportation to and from school. Please work with your friends and neighbors to arrange carpools or walking groups if possible. PLEASE SEE DETAILS in our Transportation to School section.
If my child forgets something, can I bring it to them?
Chaboya has a “No Rescue” policy, meaning that a forgotten item will need to be addressed by students with their teacher. This is done to prepare them for high school, to teach personal responsibility and to encourage respect for their parents’ time. If, however, you need to get your child something (like a lunch) there is a bookcase in the office where you can drop the item.
What about parent communication?
Middle school teachers see approximately 170 students daily. Every parent needs to register for PowerSchool, a web-based student information system used by Evergreen School District. This system lets parents and students see how their student is performing academically, follow their attendance, and communicate with teachers. You can see what scores they have earned on assignments/tests, if there are any missing assignments, and sometimes see upcoming assignments. A mobile phone app is also available to access the same information. Parents will also receive email and/or text communication from the school via ParentSquare. ParentSquare accounts are automatically created for parents. However, we encourage parents to access their accounts so they can update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
How many report cards do students receive each year?
Progress reports and quarterly report cards go home with students eight times a year. All report cards are mailed home. Two assistant principals, along with our school counselor, provide academic counseling to those students having difficulties.
How does my family find out about school events and information?
Throughout the week, new information is posted in the Parent Hub on our school website (, emails are sent to parents and students through ParentSquare, and each Friday the principal’s newsletter is emailed to parents and students. The school calendar includes all school activities, in-service dates, sports events, and special schedules. Every student receives a FREE Chaboya Student Handbook at the beginning of the year with basic school procedures and rules. Students also hear about upcoming events during morning announcements or in their homeroom class.
Safety, Conduct, and Responsibility
What is Chaboya’s policy regarding student safety, conduct, and responsibility towards others?
There is a school-wide assembly within the first two weeks of school. Administrators will present the rules, policies, and expectations to the entire student body. PARENTS ARE WELCOME. Our primary focus is SAFETY AND LEARNING. The Chaboya policy defines harassment as ANYTHING YOU DO OR SAY THAT RESULTS IN ANOTHER PERSON FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE OR UNSAFE. Other topics discussed include: handling conflict resolution, confrontations, rumors, seeking adult assistance, dress code, possession of unacceptable items, care for valuables, suiting up for PE, and school programs.
Our assistant principals handle all student matters and are visible and available throughout the school day. A pro-active, preventative approach coupled with discretion and respect for individuality is used to encourage students to seek out counseling and assistance. Ms. Fernandez, our school counselor, is located in room, H-4. Students are welcome to come to her room anytime to speak with her.
Students learn that they are responsible for making positive choices not only while on campus, but also at pick and drop off zones, nearby elementary schools, on sports fields, and in the neighborhood.
I would like to help out. What can I do?
The PTSA is ALWAYS looking for volunteers. We’d love to have you! Take a look at other ways parents can get involved at Chaboya.
If I have more questions about Chaboya who can I contact?
General questions can be directed to the Chaboya front office. Specific questions should be directed to the appropriate staff member. Please see our staff directory.
Q. Will summer math classes qualify my child to be placed in advanced math classes?
Completing programs such as Jose Valdéz Math, Math Enrichment, or other programs over the summer does not qualify students to skip classes or be placed in advanced classes for the coming school year.
While we understand the desire to challenge and accelerate your child's learning, math placement is determined by the MDTP assessment of your child's academic performance, readiness, and potential. This assessment takes into account a variety of factors, including but not limited to, grades, standardized test scores, and teacher evaluations.
We encourage all of our students to engage in academic enrichment opportunities over the summer, as these can greatly benefit their overall academic growth and development. However, we want to emphasize that such programs are not considered for advanced placement.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support of your child's education.