7th Grade Electives Request Form

Steps for Students and Parents

  1. Parents and students, review and discuss Chaboya Middle School's elective classes.
  2. Complete the elective request form. Students must be logged into their eesd account to complete this form. The link to form can be found below. 
  3. Complete only one elective request form with students' top four elective choices. No changes can be made, and once elective classes are assigned, no changes will be made.
  4.  Parents, complete and sign the  Parent Information section of the elective request form, and students and parents complete all required sections of the form.
  5. Submit any required additional forms (i.e., Leadership applications and teacher recommendations). Students must be logged into their eesd account to complete these forms.

Incoming 7th Graders for 2023-2024

Electives Open Enrollment TBD

7th Grade Electives Request Form

7th Grade LEADERSHIP Application Form

Teacher Recommendation Form

Students must be logged in to their eesd.org account to access forms.

Frequently Asked Questions

After I submit my elective request form can I make any changes?
Changes cannot be made once a request form as been submitted, so please choose wisely.

When will I know which elective classes I have been assigned?
Prior to the first day of school in August, students and parents will have access to PowerSchool and their student's schedule with their elective classes.

Can I make any changes to my elective class once school begins?
Once selected and scheduled, elective classes cannot be changed.

What if I do not get an elective course that I selected?
Student elective courses are not guaranteed. Elective options are subject to change dependents on class availability.


Contact Chaboya office at choffice@eesd.org