Core Values 3 C's

Chaboya Middle School is a community built upon universal rules, which we call the 3 Cs. The 3 Cs represent the core values that a proud Chaboya student should display at all times before, during, and after school, and while at school, home, and in the community.

Core Values
(3 C's)
What it is
Learning Environment
(On Campus & Online)
Reinforcing Skills

Making a mindful and positive decision when faced with two or more possibilities

  • I am PREPARED for class and activities when I use time and resources to manage and complete tasks and projects.
  • I demonstrate EMPATHY and RESPECT for others by listening to others and raising my hand to participate.

  • I am SAFE and appropriate when using digital tools and FOLLOW school and health guidelines.


  • Prepared  

  • Empathetic

  • Respectful 

  • Safe

  • Follow guidelines


Taking intentional actions to benefit yourself and others

  • I ASK questions when I need help in class.

  • I CHALLENGE myself to do new things and build resiliency.

  • I SHARE my ideas with classmates and am a POSITIVE contributor.

  • I will be a RISK TAKER and learn from my mistakes.

  • Ask questions

  • Challenge myself

  • Share ideas 

  • Positive contributor 

  • Risk taker


Doing  something different in a positive way

  • I am PERSISTENT when faced with challenges.
  • I CONTRIBUTE to my school community by identifying solutions to

  • school-related problems.

  • I CREATE an inclusive environment by collaborating, encouraging,

  • and standing up for others.

  • I REFLECT on my actions and how they impact others.


  • Persistent

  • Contributor

  • Creator

  • Introspective thinker